
A dynamic pedagogical resource for engaging premodern critical race studies in the classroom.
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Throughlines offers a variety of freely accessible teaching materials to help you incorporate premodern critical race studies into your teaching. Specifically designed for use in higher education, the materials on Throughlines include lectures, pedagogical approaches, exemplar syllabi, classroom discussion models, an annotated bibliography and more.

Throughlines will continue to grow over time. So be sure to check back regularly or join our mailing list to stay in the loop on content related to your research and teaching.

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Our scholars

Throughlines materials are developed by cutting-edge scholars in the fields of premodern studies, in collaboration with the Throughlines team.

Contributors include Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Kim F. Hall, Cord J. Whitaker, Chouki El Hamel, Leslie Alexander, Margo Hendricks, and more.

Meet our contributors
Reading list
Scott Manning Stevens

Indigenous sovereignty and The Tempest

A reading list to consider further the question of Indigenous sovereignty in The Tempest.

Ayanna Thompson

Titus Andronicus as the gateway drug

Students believe they know what Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet or Macbeth mean, but rarely do those “meanings” stem from the students’ close engagements with the texts. Using Titus Andronicus at the beginning of any Shakespeare class forces students to experience Shakespeare anew.

Adam Miyashiro

Postcolonial theory and the medieval epic

Analyzing The Song of Roland and The Song of the Cid from a perspective of postcolonial theory. Students will write short papers identifying themes and images in medieval literature read through postcolonial frameworks.

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