Kyle Grady

University of California, Irvine
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Journaling through questions of race

Journaling through questions of race

The journal is a place where students can engage in dialogue with themselves. This kind of reflection helps students track how their understandings of race develop over time.

Navigating mixed-race identities in Shakespeare

Navigating mixed-race identities in Shakespeare

Titus Andronicus is a play that demonstrates early modern English dexterity with racial constructs. This nuance is demonstrated in part through its representations of racial mixing and mixed-race identity.

Social organization in The Merchant of Venice

Social organization in The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is a key text for demonstrating that race was inextricable from early modern considerations of societal organization.

Racial mixing in Titus Andronicus

Racial mixing in Titus Andronicus

Teaching Titus Andronicus can open up conversations about early modern English familiarity with race, racial difference, and mixed-race identity.

Racial divides in The Merchant of Venice

Racial divides in The Merchant of Venice

Using The Merchant of Venice to demonstrate an early modern interest in maintaining racial divides, particularly in a context where those boundaries regularly collapse.